
Aerothermal installation

Aerothermal installation

The use of aerothermal energy in homes is increasingly popular. It is currently estimated that in Spain there are 100,000 homes that have opted for this technology, and the number increases exponentially every year. Aerothermal energy is a sustainable and energy-efficient system that does not contribute to the emission of greenhouse gases. It works by capturing outside air and converting it into energy, which sets it apart from traditional air conditioning systems.

The heat pump, which is a key component of the system, is four times more powerful than conventional heat pumps and generates more energy than it consumes. The use of aerothermal energy in a home can mean significant savings on energy bills. light and increase the value of the house in the long term.

In addition, both the European Union and the Spanish Government support the adoption of sustainable energy systems and defend aerothermal energy as an attractive option. In short, aerothermal energy is a constantly evolving technology that offers sustainable, efficient energy adapted to the needs of each home, providing significant savings in the short and long term. If you are considering an energy solution for your home, aerothermal energy is an option worth exploring.

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